Gulzar Group of Institutions

Policy for the disabled persons


Right of Persons with Disabilities Act 2016, prohibits discrimination against individuals with physical and mental disabilities. Gulzar Group of Institutions is against all kinds of discrimination pertaining to anything including differently-abled persons. All the authorities of the institute are striving in order to forward a helping hand to the differently-abled students to make sure about the benefits of academics, co-curricular, and extra-curriculum activities. The guidelines apply to all the institute faculty, staff and students.


  1. To create an inclusive environment to avoid discrimination, exploitation, and exclusion of differently-abled students and staff members from all spheres of work and education.
  2. To create suitable regulatory mechanisms to effectively serve the differently-abled students and staff members of the institute
  3. To ensure implementation of all legislations with respect to differently-abled persons.
  4. To ensure full participation of differently-abled persons and to provide them the equal opportunities for development.

Accessibility Policy:

Providing access means making all the institute services, activities, and the benefits thereof, fully available to qualified differently-abled persons. The institute should provide various provisions for creating a disabled-friendly campus.
The following measures have been taken-


    • Building of disable friendly ramps and lift close to the entrances of institutions.
    • Building of disabled-friendly washrooms on the college campus.
    • Wheel Chairs facilities to be available for people with disability.


Disabled-Friendly & Barrier-Free Environment Click Here


    • Education Loan & Scholarships for students with Disability Click Here 
    • Guidelines for conducting written examinations for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities. Click Here 


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